The best surprise is no surprise.

When you work with Price Planning, there are no conflicts of interest—just sound, impartial solutions.”

— Debbie Price

Price Planning is a small, uniquely impartial, financial planning and investment advisory firm founded by Debbie Price in 2002. Our one-on-one approach means that each client receives customized solutions that fit their unique needs. You’ll be assured of:

Experienced Personnel.

With extensive industry experience, we address immediate needs as well as relevant issues that may come into play in the future. Not only do we show clients the big picture, we further provide options and recommendations for the best financial outcomes.

Unbiased Advice.

A fee-only firm, Price Planning takes no product commissions. Our clients gain intelligent, impartial advice without hidden fees, markups, or kickbacks.

Tailored Services.

By customizing our services to meet your particular needs, we empower you to dictate the scope of the business relationship—whether short-term consultations for an hourly fee or long-term comprehensive planning with an annual retainer.

Uncompromising Ethics.

In full compliance with industry standards, we safeguard hardcopy and electronic data, assuring each client the utmost in privacy.

Click here to find out more about Debbie Price.